#fallout 3 companions react
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come-into-the-fallout · 4 months ago
(Sequel to this. I wrote the good end, how about the bad one? Just Butch for this post, I'll see when I can get around to writing the rest. Enjoy) Content Warning: Alcoholism
[Fo3] Companions React to Lone confessing before activating the purifier [Butch ver.]
Pounding. The immovable glass wall met his fists with resistance. But he could barely feel it, barely feel the raw scratchiness clawing its way into his throat while he screamed, barely feel the pulsing pain in his hands as he beat them against the near transparent barrier, not while in his hysterics.
"You can't do that! You don't get to do that!"
"Come back- Get back here and come back, we weren't finished!" His hands finally yield their barrage against the door as adrenaline trades it place for exhaustion, his body forced to slouch and the cold surface against his sweat drenched forehead as he leans against it will be the closest thing to solace he'll get as he watches you input the code to finish the job.
"Come back! Please."
But the only voice to reply to his calls was the Paladin behind him trying to pry and coax him away from the scene. Those words didn't matter, though. They weren't the honey sweet words of mutual affection muttered from him to you- and you to him with flushed faces, the same words that had so stubbornly invaded his mind and brought both frustrating and delightful fantasies at every chance. They weren't your soft laughs filled with agreement to his declarations that the two of you would tear up the wasteland together and never part, that together you would make not only the best duo to exist but the fiercest force to be reckoned with.
They were words of attempted assurance, but Butch didn't feel any assured, couldn't even pay them any mind when the sight of you collapsing and the muffled thud that followed took over his sights. Even the final scream he let out in response felt muted with how zerod in on you he was. You were gone. Gone. The only one who was by his side after the vault went to shit. His partner-in-crime, and you could've been... partners.
Butch couldn't bare lingering on that thought. Couldn't think clearly, couldn't breathe, couldn't see clearly. If you hadn't been so foolish to chose the moment right before you died to tell him, and if he hadn't been so stupid and just told you about the butterflies and yearning pressure in his chest you caused him earlier.
None of it mattered now. No amount of berating would fulfill his hopes to see you smiling at him again.
He was all alone again. And he never would have expected that thought to bring him to his knees the way it did.
[ Quest completed
Take It Back ]
[ The Aftermath ]
Pounding. Persistent pounding. But not of the noise that had been mixed with desperate yells that day. A feeling. His head was pounding, and he discouraged against any thoughts of wishing that he could barely feel it. Anything to drown out the empty yet so despiar-filled feelings that had burrowed itself into him. Any distractions to make up for the lack of your company by his side.
He couldn't stop himself from wondering. Why? Why did you have to go and do that? You could've left it unsaid, you know. Could've left him debating if you ever felt the same when you were alive. It wouldn't have ached as much. Hurt still, sure, but maybe then he would've been left with enough stability to get up and move on.
But maybe he didn't deserve that. Maybe he deserved this. Treating you and Amanda that way when you were young. Always making some snide remark, always going out of his way to collide his shoulder into yours when passing by down the halls, or cornering either of you with his gang with threats of an altercation. He was an asshole, a juvenile prick. And you were too good for him. That's something he always felt deep down inside but would never confront. But it was true. And maybe that's why fate so bitterly turned out this way.
The day your life was lost was the day a numbness washed through him and tried to bury the grief that'd leave him immobile on the floor crying his heart out for months otherwise. He had trudged back to Rivet City to drown it out further at the bar. Forget for as long as possible anything that had to do with you or him. But he wasn't spared that.
"They can't be gone. They can't be. Not them, not someone as unstoppable as them. They have to be.."
None paid attention to the drunken mumbling of the lone tunnel snake. Not as he rocked in his seat, an unconscious attempt to soothe himself.
"They can't be. You have to come back Lone. Please."
Maybe one day he'll get himself together. Leave his place at the bar stool and travel into the wastes again. Maybe to pick up where his companion had left off.
"Come back to me? Back to the Tunnel Snakes?"
Or maybe this will be how he wastes away. Their sacrificial feat being celebrated by many being what causes him to crumble and rot away in some water hole.
"I know I was an ass to you, but.. I can make it better. I can do better. I could be a great boyfriend if you just..."
Maybe some will say it serves him right, say its a lesson to not take what you have left with prickly and uncaring fronts. The only one who was left to stick around, to patch up his wounds when his initial inexperience led to rookie recklessness in a proper scuffle, to care- in the words he would've used; 'the only person who gives a damn about me'. That person is gone, and a chance to meet someone like them again will never cross his path.
"Come back."
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danses-with-dogmeat · 9 months ago
fallout 3 and fallout new vegas companions trying to flirt with lone/six for the first time?
FO3 Crushing! Companions Try to Flirt with Lone for the First Time
I. Absolutely. Love. This. The mental images that this prompt inspired were just lovely 👏👏
Sorry this took like... literal years to get out 😅 I hope you like it!
Fallout New Vegas is on the way as well, so look out for that... eventually :)
He’d flirted with them before… only, even he hadn’t really known that that’s what it was. His mom often said he liked them, and other adults commented similarly when Lone and him were kids, but he’d always made disgusted faces, retching noises or flipped the people off that tried to tell him he liked Lone. Of all people, Lone?! No, not Butch. He bullied them, he disliked them, if anything. 
At least, then, that’s what he believed. Now though, Butch knew the truth, and he couldn’t believe how stupid he’d been all along. He plans to make up for lost time, to correct those little errors of his from the past. Butch has a short lifetime of flirting under his belt, and he means to put all that experience to good use. 
Just need to find the right time. Can’t do it out of the blue, not with Lone, can’t risk something like that. Has to be all romantic an’ shit…
“See anything you like?” Butch wiggled his eyebrows as Lone’s blurry form swam into focus. “You’re… awfully close to me, baby.” 
“Butch?” They mumbled, and he noticed that their eyes were closed. He’d thought they’d been staring at him, but their eyes were closed.
Just my luck…
“Butch, you’re awake?” Lone nearly jumped out of their seat as their blinking eyes widened in shock. “How do you feel?” 
“I feel great, baby. How’re you?” 
Their brows furrowed quickly, confusion warping their concerned features. 
“You were hurt, Butch. A car, some raiders… It exploded and you passed out, lost some blood, you… I wasn’t sure when you were going to wake up. The doctor said you might not.” 
Butch’s foggy mind began to clear, a headache began to form at the front of his skull, and the aches in his body became more and more pronounced with each word that left his companion's mouth. 
…I what? 
“Lone, only blood I loss was because you pierced my heart.” 
That one sounded good, right? That one should really drop the hint to ‘em. 
Butch grinned at the thought. 
“Oh, Butch…” They reached out a hand, tentatively reaching for his forehead and brushing away a few strands of hair. “You’re still coming out of it, huh? Just rest, okay?”
A new determination burned through his aching joints, his battered body. At the feel of Lone’s tender touch, at the realization of their obliviousness to his, frankly obvious, feelings, Butch tried again. 
“Can’t rest. Not now baby. Not ‘till you’re mine. Not ‘till you see it… See the way I feel.”
He tried to get up, to emphasize his point, but his arms could hardly move. The blanket that was stretched over his half-bare body felt like sandpaper over his burned and blistered flesh, and his muscles roared in painful protest at every movement. 
A groan left him at the sudden pain of it. 
“Butch, no, easy.” Lone’s hands gently encouraged him to stay down, and their eyes shone with sympathy that made his chest ache from more than his wounds. “You must be half delirious to be saying all this, but… don’t try to get up, okay? Just try and rest.” 
He wanted to listen to them, wanted to do what his partner asked, wanted to please them that way, but he needed Lone to know. 
It’s been too long. Maybe this deliriousness is what I needed. 
Shoulda tried this earlier.
“Lone, no. You gotta understand-”
“Butch, shh.” They laid a finger over his lips as their other hand stroked over his shoulder. “There’s time. You can tell me everything soon. I want to hear it, okay? Trust me, I do. But now, please… just rest for me. Work on healing, just for a little while. Then you can tell me how you feel.”
Butch’s eyes closed without his permission, their sweet words lulling him back to blissful unconsciousness as their hand continued it’s soothing stroking over a bit of unmarred skin on his arm.   
“And then,” He heard, just as he felt sleep wrapping him in its embrace, “Then I can tell you how I feel, too.” 
The last thing he could recall was a simple touch. In reality, it was faint, but to Butch, their lips upon his forehead felt like a heavy crash, an avalanche of weight poured over him that left nothing in its wake but the possibilities. For his future, and for theirs. 
“Wait.” A large, calloused hand grasped at Lone’s shoulder as they made a move to step out from behind the pillar. “I’ll go first.” Charon’s rough voice sounded close to their ear as his hand stayed firmly on them, encouraging their form to move back behind cover once more.
“Why? Did you hear something?”
Charon paused at his companion’s inquiry. Did they think it was odd that he took precautions? That was his job, wasn’t it? It was in his contract...
But we both know I don’t always follow every little rule the paper alludes to in the finer print.
The ghoul cleared his throat, retracting his hand from Lone’s shoulder as he moved to step in front of them, pointedly avoiding their gaze as he thought through what he should say.
Charon didn’t ever recall being so concerned for his employer’s safety before. In fact, it was more likely he would do the bare minimum that was required to keep them from being blown to bits or falling off a cliff than it was for him to go out of his way to ensure their safety of his own accord. He had to follow orders, had to step in harm’s way, should it suddenly become clear to him that they would be injured or killed if he didn’t do so, and… That was it. The contract never mentioned the careful thought process he now went through each time the pair entered into a potentially dangerous situation. Nowhere in the paper did it say that his heart would need to flutter with anxiety when his companion was in danger, or that his body should flush with the heat of anger when a bullet did happen to graze them. The contract never told him to remain up all through the night, poised and ready for an unexpected attack, or lie awake in Lone’s dim room, his mind fraught with worry for the next day.
Yet, here he was. Doing all of that. When the hell had all this happened?
Charon tried to convince himself that it was only due to Lone’s kindness, to their low-maintenance in comparison to the likes of his previous employers. He tried to tell himself that the only reason he didn’t want them dead was because then he’d be saddled with some other asshole he had to answer to, but Charon knew deep down that that was bullshit. Even when his employers had been bearable, he’d never felt this strongly for them.
A moment of silence passed before Charon finally fixed his companion with his intense, icy gaze.
“No.” He said simply, “I didn’t hear anything.”
Their eyebrows scrunched together and Charon saw the question forming in their mind. Before they could even voice it, he replied.
“I just want to keep you safe.”
“Sugar, you know I mean it when I tell you you look good, right?”
Clover always flirted, it was more of a personality trait than a conscious action at this point. It was just the way she was, the way she had been told to be, made to be for so many years that it just became a part of her. Now was different though, she always flirted without realizing it, but now… Well, she actively wanted to, and of course, of course Lone would be impervious to it. Did they really not notice? They almost seemed to ignore her little compliments, her teasing words and forward touches, and Clover does not like being ignored under any circumstance.
Finally, one day, she'd been driven to confront her companion about it.
“What’s your problem, huh? What’ve you got against me?” Clover finally burst out after the umpteenth time she’d said something sickly sweet that they’d just completely brushed off like a dead leaf on their jacket.
Look, she’d tried being subtle, she’d tried being low-key as much as the ex-slave could be, then she’d gotten more aggressive with her verbal affections, she’d gotten more direct with her lingering touches and her suggestive comments, but Sole seemed to just laugh off all of it, or worse, they’d pretend as if she didn’t do anything at all.
Clover was over it.
“Is it the way I look, huh?" She held her arms out wide, and Lone shrank back in response. "Is it cuz of my past, then? What, I been with too many folks for you to handle? What?”
“Clove,” Lone looked down at the floor in… what, embarrassment? Shame? It was hard to tell. “I didn’t realize–” 
“No, you look at me, sweetheart. Look me in the eye as you tell me what I don’t wanna hear.” 
“I didn’t want to take advantage of you, is all” Their gaze was sympathetic as it met her sizzling expression. 
“It’s like you said, about your past… I wasn’t sure if you, well, how you felt about me at all. Not when, your whole life, you’ve been forced to try and attract everyone around you, to be suggestive and touchy and I didn’t just want to be another asshole that only sees you as a piece of meat.” 
They wrung their hands with their confession, but their eyes stayed locked to hers, just like she'd asked. 
“Because I don’t. I… I like you, Clove.”
“You… Honest? You really do?” She took a step closer, her expression vastly changed from the flared nostrils and low brows she’d had before. Elation hung behind a thin curtain of disbelief. 
“Well, yeah. I just… Didn’t want you to think that’s why I bought your– well, you."
The word sounded so hollow, and Clover felt it like a pang in her chest. It wasn't often that she let her past hurt her this way. That wasn't a trend she could afford to start, but seeing the way it pained Lone to speak about...
"You don’t owe me anything." They continued somberly, "It’s as I said before, you’re free to go, if that’s what you want–”
“It’s not, sugar.” Clover shook her head as a poorly contained smile tugged at her full lips, as her hands went to either side of Lone's face, her thumbs brushing over their cheeks. “As I’ve been tryin’ to tell ya all this time… I want you.” 
She couldn't help all the flirting she did, both before, and after their conversation. Her past also made it hard for her to know which feelings of hers were truly real, as opposed to ones put in place in order to defend herself. Clover's still working all of that out, but just knowing... Understanding Lone's point of view, and hearing the genuine words leave them... It made the process of falling for someone easier than it's ever been before.
“A very good shot. You must have exemplary eyesight, ma’am/sir.”
The action of flirting never came naturally to the Paladin. Obviously it wasn't high on her priority list when it came to skills she sought to perfect. If it were, her proficiency in other areas, with focuses on survival and combat prowess, surely would've suffered. But at this rate, she wished she could've had at least some form of training in the subtle art of wooing someone. Not just any someone, but Lone. Her companion, her friend, someone not in the Brotherhood, someone who wouldn't cause her to break decorum if she were to be with them.
It was a strange sensation, knowing that she had feelings for Lone. She was rarely certain about these things, and she almost never caught feelings for anyone. Maintaining distance from those around you, remaining indifferent to people you spend inordinate amounts of time with, it's a burden every soldier had to bear if they hope to defend their hearts and minds from the brutality of sudden and bitter loss. And yet, here she was, catching feelings for a civilian.
Cross tried to ignore it for ages, but it only seemed to become more obvious the more she attempted to conceal it. She would stumble over her words, blush more, become embarrassed about certain uncivilized things soldiers shouldn't think twice about. Why did she have such a hard time asking Lone to halt when she has to… relieve herself? She's a damn Star Paladin for Christ's sake, taking a ten-one shouldn't effect her in such a way.
In the end, she would find herself utterly unable to keep from at least complimenting her companion on their combat skills, their abilities as a diplomat that she so admired, their compassion towards others, and even their athletic physique. Is it really flirting? Hopefully Lone thinks so, because this as much as the Paladin can seem to muster in the ways of wooing.
“You are a good companion, and an even better friend. I am beyond fortunate to have you in my life, and if ever there is anything you need, I will be here.”
Fawkes isn't quite sure what all of these feelings mean. The way his stomach tingles, a smile involuntarily crinkles his eyes, how he feels so warm inside when he looks at his companion. Is it friendship? Friendship is strong, and he felt strongly towards Lone, that, he knew.
When it comes down to it, Fawkes has no idea what he's doing as he relentlessly compliments this incredible person beside him. He's simply honest with his companion. Fawkes thinks they're the bravest person he's met, they have a good sense of humor, a kind heart, and they gave him a chance when no one else would even think to. He's proud to call Lone his friend, and he doesn't hesitate to let everyone know.
The day he finds out that it's more than friendship that he feels for his companion, Fawkes becomes, well... quite shy. Though, he'd never want to waver in his compliments, as he believes in being genuine and would never feel embarrassed about telling Lone the truth, he'd be more careful with his word choice, and the comments would be less frequent. As he continues his assault of kind words, praise, and appreciation for his companion; he would be planning his confession to them. Lone deserved to know the way he felt, even if they didn't feel the same. He just had to tell them, because, if they did feel the same? It would change his whole world for the better.
"Fuck, kid. You're crazier than I am, heh."
No form of praise is light praise, when it comes to Jericho. The ex-raider has a sorta allergy to compliments, especially the genuine kind, but Lone, he likes.
So what if he tells 'em that they're nuts enough to run with him? He can eye them up when they make a great shot, or tell them they're a badass when they make some shit explode, check out their ass in those tight road leathers they like to wear. That doesn't mean nothing.
He's too old for any of that shit, anyway. No, Jericho outgrew the ability to have feelings for anyone when he was about 10 years old. An' his conquests back in his raider days had left him full enough for two lifetimes in terms of companionship.
Nah, Lone was just... They were alright. The first 'alright' vault dweller he's ever met, and the first person in ages that didn't make him wanna set off that bomb in Megaton's center and give them all a little peace.
It wasn't 'till his actions started reflecting those little glimpses of... whatever the fuck was going on with Lone, that he even realized he was acting out of character.
Sure, sharing ammunition and helping 'em scavenge enough scraps to fix up their armor, sewing up a wound while they gritted their teeth, and swapping food stores wasn't anything groundbreaking, but... Well, he's never done any of that shit with past traveling companions. Hell, he more so wished his past companions’ armor would fail so he could loot their corpse when they dropped, that they wouldn't notice the ammo he swiped from their pack at night, that their wound would fester and he could have a few more caps in his pocket when they didn't wake up from fevered sleep.
With Lone though... it went even further. Giving them first dibs on loot, offering to carry more of their shit, so they could have a lighter load, sharing a fucking cigarette with 'em. That shit was strange.
Cigs are like straight fucking gold to the ex-raider, and yet...
Look, they wanna run with an old raider like him, Lone has gotta be the one to say it, to admit any feelings. But those actions of his? That's as loud as Jericho gets with the vulnerable shit, everything else is in their hands.
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amazinglyegg · 1 year ago
hi!! i want to say i love ur blog sm. its amazing and one of my fav blogs.
i have a hc where sole picks up children’s toys, teddy bears, jangles the moon monkey, and giddy up buttercups while walking thru the wasteland looking for shaun. could u write a react for fo4 companions asking why they pick up “that junk” vs their reactions after finding out the reason why?
Thank you so much!! And this is the most adorable headcanon ever, I love it <3<3<3 I can only imagine how hard it'd be for Sole to constantly see all the toys they was planning to get Shaun for Christmas all broken down and rusted. Plus not even knowing if he's alive or if he would like any of them anymore... augh my heart </3
Companions react: Sole who collects toys for Shaun
She doesn't even bat an eye when Sole goes around picking up every toy they see
Sole probably only tells her the truth once they overhear Ada calling it scrap
After that Ada will make very sure she doesn't scrap any toys she finds and instead leaves them in a nice pile for Sole to sort through and keep any they want
Might even find it hard to scrap the toys Sole doesn't want (because they're too broken or unsalvagable)
She definitely gets wanting to keep something to remember someone by, and seeing Sole do this might just convince her to keep a transitional object that reminds her of Jackson
Cait immediately feels like crap for complaining so much
Not only because she kept complaining about Sole's habit, but she had definitely made comments on how dumb and boring the toys are in the past
She doesn't really get it since she's not a parent (and never wants to be), but she still feels like she should have realized it sooner
It also hits a bit close to home for her because she never really had many toys as a kid, so realizing Sole cares about Shaun so much they're constantly looking for trinkets for him is almost unreal to her
She'll probably not say much about it for that reason, too awkward and vaguely in disbelief that parents actually do that for their kids for her to make any comments
Oh he is SO supportive of Sole
Even before Sole tells him they're for Shaun he's pointing out how much Shaun would love them
Probably has Sole's Christmas list for Shaun still stored in his memory (because let's be honest Sole was definitely obsessing over their baby's first Christmas back in October) so he'll point out whenever they find a toy that was on the list
He'll probably go out of his way to grab any toys he sees for Shaun as well
Shaun's bedroom is going to be PACKED with toys before he even gets out of the Institute
Definitely more curious than frusturated with Sole picking up toys
Might push Sole too hard for an answer at first, but realizes her mistake and apologizes when Sole tells her the truth
I can imagine her having wildly different reactions on it, especially while she's getting used to emotions
One day she's going "but Shaun already has three blankets, no?" and the next day she's crying at the sight of a broken teddy bear
Grief is such a big emotion for Curie and she's so empathetic she's 100% going to be more weepy than Sole is a lot of the time
Sort of stuck when Sole tells him why they collect toys
On one hand it's his job to tell Sole to drop down the unnecessary stuff and travel light... but on the other hand... they're grieving
So as much as he wants to complain, he probably won't
He gets this is Sole's way of coping and whatnot but he's never been too good at empathy in general, so he won't really know what to say
He definitely won't bother Sole about it, but he will also just kinda ignore it
If him and Sole are close he might (rarely) bring them a toy in good condition he found (he's a scavenger at heart, of course he'll be looking for those things)
Probably one of the most initially annoyed companions in this list
He hates kids and everything to do with them so before finding out he'd make plenty of half-jokes half-complaining jabs at how much the kids toys suck
Every time Sole picked up another toy Deacon's saying "Why did they have to make that face so weird?" "Did kids really play with this crap?" "If Santa got me THAT as a gift Christmas would be ruined forever!"
But once Sole tells him the truth he feels like a major asshole
He's another emotionally stunted man who won't know what to say!
He'll mostly ignore it and look the other way, but he'll also sometimes offer to carry the toys for Sole if their pack is too full
It's the least he can do after being so rude to them
He definitely felt Something when Sole told him that fact (sympathy?? Longing?? Who knows)
The fact that he never left Sole's thoughts even while they were struggling to survive in the wastes means a lot to him (he has parent issues okay?)
Gets a bit weirded out if they still insist on gathering toys and giving them to synth Shaun
Like... he's a robot... he doesn't play with toys... why are you grieving me when I'm right here (he's also very emotionally stunted. Unsurprisingly)
Generally not too empathetic about it, and will definitely comment on it if Sole tries bringing dirty/broken toys into the Institute
Least likely to back down and apologize like the other companions after Sole admits the truth
Probably takes the realist approach of "There's toys everywhere... why can't you just wait until you actually find Shaun and then bring him to an old toy store or something?"
Will be a lot easier on them once he knows the truth though
It's just weird when they're surrounded by toys everywhere. They're literally in an amusement park. Can't Sole just bring Shaun there once they get him??
He's also a bit worried about Sole seeming like a softie, or trying to leave Nuka World once they get their kid back
A toy car or a deck of cards is fine, but you are NOT parading a five foot tall teddy bear around Nuka World. Gage will put his foot down for that one
He'll probably only get annoyed with Sole's collection if it manages to get in the way of their work
He has always found childrens toys creepy... he's pretty thankful not many kids wander around Goodneighbor for that reason
Once he finds out the truth his demeanor will change from mild annoyance to "you know what? You do you"
He'll probably find an old tire or something and go "You think Shaun would like this??"
He doesn't know what kids like!! Especially old world kids. When he was a kid he would have been entertained for HOURS with just a stick... why wouldn't Shaun??
Either way, he lets Sole go do whatever they want to do. He won't judge as long as he doesn't have to look at Jangles for any longer than necessary
Feels like a complete asshole for not connecting it together sooner
Childrens toys, missing child... how did he not SEE that
Hell, HE grabs little toys for Duncan every once in a while. Obviously he can't judge
He might be a tiny bit salty though
He's had to teach himself to not pick up every toy he thinks Duncan would want because he simply can't send them all to him, so seeing Sole constantly fawn over plushies and trinkets... just kinda hurts knowing he can't do the same at the moment
That being said if he finds something he wants to give to Duncan but can't, he'll give it to Sole instead
Ends up being a pretty good system for them both
Nick Valentine
Out of all of the companions he'd be best at emotional support
He'll sincerely apologizes for bugging Sole about the "junk" they've been lugging around and will reassure them that Shaun would love it
He still remembers which toys were popular at the time and will talk to Sole about it whenever they find one
Catch him and Sole repeating commercial jingles back and forth
He gives them a lot of space to grieve and never complains about all the toys once he finds out who they're for
He doesn't shy away from gently putting his foot down if Sole gets a bit ridiculous, but he does so very, very gently
Like "Hey, that teddy is in tatters. How about we find one that's a bit more... huggable?" or "Shaun doesn't need two Giddyup Buttercups, but if you're okay for it I know a little girl in Diamond City who's been begging for one all year"
Old Longfellow
Aw hell, why not?
Definitely empathizes with them
He feels bad for Sole once he learns the truth so he's perfectly happy to just shut up and let Sole do whatever they need to do to grieve
He's also not really a toy person so he doesn't get it
Like "you think your kid would like THAT??"
But whatever. Sole knows their own kid better than he knows them. If Shaun gets traumatized by seeing Jangles the moon monkey, that's Sole's fault
Likely to take an "aww, that's sweet" approach to things
Similar to Hancock in that she... doesn't really get it??
Like who needs all these old toys most people don't know how to play with?? Nat played with a rock and a loose piece of string when she was little and she was just fine
Tries to show enthusiasm but ends up going wayy off the mark
She grabs a Barbie doll and says "wouldn't Shaun like this?? He can... I don't know... brush her hair??"
"Shaun would love this!" "Piper that's a mechanical keyboard... with no computer" "Well maybe Shaun would like pretending to write stories!"
Straight up apologizes for being so harsh to Sole
He didn't need to be so rude about Sole picking up toys. It's their backpack, they can fill it with whatever they want
Appreciates what Sole's doing and will make sure the kids in any settlements don't touch Shaun's toys
He's pretty curious what a lot of toys actually do. He'll ask Sole things like "so do kids... just... sit on the Giddyup Buttercup? And do nothing else??"
Will offer to carry some toys or have caravans bring them back to settlements if they're too much for Sole to carry
(assuming Sole's either keeping the toys for themself or wants to give them to synth!Shaun)
Doesn't get it
Father is right there?? Why are you grieving his childhood and focusing on a synth instead of being proud of his achievements??
Going into headcanon territory here but I assume the Institute probably makes toys for (the scientist's) kids to play with already
Not to mention the Institute is pretty anti-clutter, and Shaun doesn't "need" toys to begin with
He just can't wrap his head around why Sole feels the need to hoard a bunch of old broken toys when good ones are in the Institute already
If Sole just insists on keeping the toys in the old nursery he'll be a bit annoyed but won't show it (gotta respect the future director and all)
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fallout-friends-react · 1 year ago
If you haven't done it already, how would the fallout 3 guys act around a lone wanderer that he has caught feelings for and what is his initial reaction to realizing that he HAS caught feelings for the lone wanderer?
This specifically says guys but I'm doin' everyone lol
Butch: It started as really small things. The way Lone looked by the campfire light. Hearing their voice call his name. When they worried about him after a fight. All these things made him feel.. something. He was never quite sure what that feeling was. Until one day, Butch sat against a wall, catching his breath after a long day of walking. With no warning, Lone crouched in front of him, "dude your hair's all messed up." They started fixing his hair for him. The closeness made his heart lurch. He instinctively threw his head back, smacking it against the wall. "Holy shit are you okay??!" Lone worried. "Yeah I'm fine. Whatever." Butch held his head in his hands. Thankfully they couldn't see his beet red face.
Clover: Clover has always liked Lone, from the second they got her out of Eulogy's grip. Her affinity for them wasn't much of a secret either. She loved to hang on them, and flirt with them whenever she could. The longer they traveled together, the more she really started to care for them. The moment she knew she really liked Lone, was when they pointed to an old pre-war dress and told her it would look good on her. She doubled down on her physical touch and flirting, to the point that it started to get annoying.
Charon: Charon and Lone's relationship was complicated. They held onto his contract after all. He was bound to them whether he liked it or not. They were never unkind to him though, and he never took it for granted. On a routine visit to Underworld, Lone was busy in the general store. Charon, waiting outside, was asked by a resident how Lone was treating him. Thinking over his memories of them, he realized just how much they meant to him. With an imperceivable smile on his face, he replied simply, "they treat me well."
Dogmeat: idk why I keep adding the dogs at this point lol
Jericho: Being the cold, hardened old man that he was, Jericho didn't feel many girly emotions. (as he would put it) LIKING someone has been outside of his realm of possibilities for decades. He would never admit it, but he developed a soft spot for Lone. Going out of his way to make sure they stayed healthy. He'd often cuss them out for doing stupid things that could've gotten them hurt. It didn't seem like it, but it was how he showed he cared.
Fawkes: Fawkes would never call his feelings for Lone romantic, though he definitely cared for them. They saved him from his confines. They were possibly the only person willing to have a civil conversation with him. He often mentally cursed at himself for not being able to do much for them, other than protect them from harm. He didn't know how important that one thing was.
Star Paladin Cross: Cross has known Lone since they were an infant, sort of. Romance between them never crossed her mind, but she certainly loved them in a way. She was especially protective of them. Always sure to check if they were wounded after a fight. Always making sure they were eating and sleeping well. Though sometimes it was a little overbearing.
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grumpymirelurkqueen · 1 year ago
Hi, can I request a fallout 3? Companion reaction to the LW with good karma.
Hi, you're my first Fallout 3 request. You have no idea how happy I am to write this for my favourite companions. Thank you very much for your request. I hope you enjoy it. And sorry for my English mistakes, it's not my mother tongue…
FO3 companions react to LW with good karma:
Butch :
He's not surprised, I mean, you grew up together. You always protected Amata when he was a little shit. But he's grateful you got him out of the shelter before he really went off the deep end. Although he's very embarrassed by that. He's never really been a good person, but he's never been a bad one either. He's not a monster, just an immature young adult.
Sergent RL-3 :
A soldier has to be good, but also firm. My God this poor old robot is torn in two. Your dynamic is like the bad cop and the good cop. If he were human and could drink whiskey, he'd drink to every good deed.
Fawkes :
The one who is most proud of you, of all the companions. Seeing you protect those who can't, killing villains, or recovering children kidnapped by his brothers. That's what warms his mutant heart. He'll congratulate you, give you advice and, above all, say what he thinks about the situation and you. But if your karma goes lower and lower, he'll be disappointed but won't tell you. After a while he'll ask you if you're doing well mentally. He's afraid he hasn't seen any clues. He will stay with you for a while once the karma is bad, but will leave with a heavy heart.
Paladin Cross :
She's happy to be travelling with you, finally someone good in this world. But she doesn't say it openly, a pat on the back. Is the only thing to congratulate you. But if you have to lose your karma, secretly she will be disappointed (depending on your level of relationship with her.). But above all she'll go back to the citadel without a word and with a sad heart for having believed in Father Christmas.
Jericho :
The most hostile of them all. If he wasn't in Megaton, he'd accept a lot of capsules to put a bullet in your head. But somehow he understands that you're not witty enough to be mean.
Clover :
Compared to Jericho, she won't be too hostile towards you. She'll just be disappointed by your behaviour, believing she's found a new dictator with troubled tendencies. She'll just be bitter with you. But she'll still fall in love with you somehow.
Charon :
Charon doesn't give a fuck about your karma. But my God, it feels good not to kill women and innocent children or to put a bullet between the eyes of a simple drunken traveller for Ahzrukhal. But sometimes he's a bit scared of your kindness, he tends to prefer someone neutral or openly nasty. For him, kindness means hiding. And he doesn't want to discover your inclination if you're a fake.
Dogmeat :
This good dog doesn't care about your karma. He'll always be with you, as long as you don't mistreat him or betray his trust in you. A bone, a corpse, a fight plus a caress to congratulate him and he'll be fine. He'll be loyal to you with any kind of karma.
ᴵᵗ'ˢ ʳᵉᵃˡˡʸ ˢᵗʳᵃⁿᵍᵉ ᶠᵒʳ ᵐᵉ ᵗᵒ ʷʳⁱᵗᵉ ᴰᵒᵍᵐᵉᵃᵗ ʷʰᵉⁿ ᶠʳᵃⁿᶜᵉ ᵐᵉᵃⁿˢ ᶜᵃⁿⁱᵍᵒᵘ.
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stoat-party · 1 year ago
Natural state of Fallout 3 fanfiction:
Wacky two-dimensional NPCs forced to bear witness in confused awe as a teenager wields insurmountable levels of power to decide their fates
Natural state of Fallout: New Vegas fanfiction:
Flawed and traumatized individuals and factions reckon with their histories and the sustainability of their existence in a post-apocalyptic world. Can humanity ever break the cycle of violence? Can we ever truly be free of our pasts? Do idealism and bravery make a long-term difference? And whatever the answers, can we truly live with ourselves when all is said and done?
Natural state of Fallout 4 fanfiction:
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nukaberries · 11 months ago
Heyo! If it's not too much trouble, could I get the FO4 companions reacting to a Sole who's super good with wild animals? Like the animal friend and wasteland whisperer perks but they're out here cuddling wild molerats and are able to pet Deathclaws. If that's not too much to ask, thank you muchly. Love your stuff!
I don't play around with Animal Friend and Wasteland Whisperer as much as I'd like to. I did once befriend a Deathclaw in Fallout 3, who died about five seconds later. He was great while he lasted though. Anyways, I'm glad you're enjoying the requests, thank you so much! I hope this one lives up to your expectations!
Companions React to an Animal Loving Sole (Includes: Cait, Codsworth, Curie, Danse, Deacon, Hancock, MacCready, Nick, Piper, Preston and X6-88)
Cait She'll immediately assume that Sole has some kind of death wish the first time she sees them carelessly approaching a wild Molerat with their hand held out. It's only when Sole doesn't lose a limb to the creature that Cait finds herself somewhat impressed, although, she makes a comment about how they'll probably catch all sorts of diseases from 'that rodent'. She doesn't think too much of it afterwards, that is until she finds Sole coming back into Sanctuary with a Deathclaw in tow, it's at that point that Cait will start to question Sole's sanity. Eventually, she gets used to finding Sole hanging out with Radscorpions, as though they aren't known for killing people without hesitation. She still finds it weird and she still isn't happy about that one time she woke up to a Radroach casually jumping around her head, but it becomes one of those things about Sole that she just accepts.
Codsworth Having known Sole for as long as he has, Codsworth is no stranger to his old friend's affinity for all different kinds of animals. He can still recall the amount of stray dogs and cats that Sole had brought into their home before the war, despite their spouse worrying that one might jump up at Shaun one day. If anything, Codsworth actually likes that this is something that hasn't changed about Sole - there's a lot of bad in the Wasteland and Codsworth knows better than any of the other companions how much this new world has changed Sole, so he finds it comforting to see some aspects of him are still the same. Of course, Codsworth is still sure to keep his distance from the creatures that Sole befriends; sure, they may like Sole, but who's to say they'll feel the same way about his robot companion?
Curie She loves having the opportunity to see the creatures of the Commonwealth up close and if Sole's happy to befriend every Mirelurk in sight, then Curie is more than happy to join him. Once Sole gets an animal to settle down, they usually tend to warm up to Curie immediately after - there was an incident with a Radstag kicking her over once, Curie doesn't like to talk about it. She also finds it interesting to see how the different animals in the wasteland have adapted and mutated to their environment and is more than happy to discuss it with Sole, if they're willing to listen.
Paladin Danse Initially, he thinks that stopping to pet every abomination that they come across is a waste of both their time and he makes this very clear to Sole. He tries to shut down Sole's attempts to befriend these animals as often as he can, although sometimes he can't help but find it quite mesmerising to watch a Deathclaw peacefully wander about right before his eyes. Still, it's only when Sole manages to tame a whole pack of rabid molerats that Danse wonders if their odd love for animals isn't so bad after all, not that he'd ever swallow his pride for long enough to admit that to Sole.
Deacon He does try to get used to the idea that Sole is going to pet every dangerous, man-eating creature that they come across, but it just freaks him out way too much. The stray mongrels following them around and wanting to play fetch are cute, even he can't deny that, although he'd prefer Dogmeat over them any day, but there's no way he'll ever get used to turning around and seeing a Deathclaw following after them like a big puppy. All Deacon asks is that Sole doesn't take it personal if he leaves them to fend for themselves when it comes to dealing with animals, he'd just prefer not to give a Molerat head scratches if he can help it.
Hancock Considering Sole chose to take him on their travels, he doesn't find it all that surprising that they'd want to pick up every other ugly stray they come across too. Admittedly, it's probably one of his favourite things about travelling with Sole, he'll never warm up to any of the bugs - Mirelurks are a firm no for him - that somehow become docile in Sole's presence, but he's got a soft spot for the Molerats. He'd love to bring one back home with him, for the sake of having some company and a mascot for Goodneighbor, but he gets the feeling nobody else in town would approve of that, so for now, it stays a simple daydream for him.
MacCready Once he gets over the shock of a pack of friendly Yaoi Guais swarming him and Sole, he's immediately jealous of this strange talent his friend has and wants to know how they do it. He refuses to take Sole not knowing for an answer and makes it his life goal to befriend at least one animal out in the Wasteland, of course, this ends with a dog bite on his arm and a bruised ego, especially when Sole manages to calm down the dog that had just attacked him. After that, he figures it's best for his own safety if he leaves the animal befriending to Sole, but he does ask for his own pet Deathclaw more times than he can count - not that it'd be very practical to have around Duncan, but a man can dream.
Nick Valentine There's not a lot left in the Commonwealth that can shock Nick Valentine, he's near enough seen it all and so, although Sole is expecting a much bigger reaction from the synth detective, he just accepts it. Besides, he once came across a girl roaming Boston Commons with a Sentry Bot for a best friend, a Mirelurk Queen isn't exactly that big of a surprise in comparison. That doesn't mean he won't go out of his way to pet any animals that Sole manages to tam on their travels, his favourite was probably the Radroach that Sole taught to roll over.
Piper Wright She genuinely thinks that she's having some kind of fever dream that first time she sees it, there's no way Sole would actually be sat at their campfire with a Mutant Hound sat on their lap peacefully. After pinching herself a few times and accepting the reality in front of her, Piper doesn't hesitate to dub Sole "The Wasteland Whisperer." If anything, she likes the bonus of not having to worry about fighting off any creatures whilst they're out on their travels, she just wishes that at least someone back in Diamond City would believe her when she told them about her Vault Dweller friend who can tame even the most vicious of creatures; even Nat thinks she's full of it.
Preston Garvey The first time that Preston saw Sole tame an animal was the Deathclaw back in Concord and for a moment, he was convinced that he was already dead and he just hadn't realised yet. At first, he wasn't sure how to bring it up to Sole to question it and so he decided not to question their odd talent at all, that was until he started travelling with them and they came across a Radroach nest. Preston still can't quite believe that there's someone out there that can befriend any animal they come across no matter what, but he finds it remarkable and he really doesn't mind when Sole brings animals back to Sanctuary. He's actually rather fond of the Yaoi Guai Sole brought back after going to clear out a settlement, he just hopes that they stay friendly, for everyone's sake.
X6-88 He doesn't see the point in befriending any of the creatures out in the Wasteland, it's far better to simply put them out of their misery after the generations of mutation they've had to endure. He makes this known to Sole immediately, which seems to offend his travelling companion, after that, he decides not to comment on it at all, aside from a few eye rolls and scoffs here and there. Of course, he doesn't complain too much when it comes to having the extra back up of a Deathclaw during a fight with raiders or Super Mutants.
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simplegenius042 · 1 year ago
Fallout Casting for Ryomen Sukuna Matata for Jujutsu Kaisen Abridged react fic
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"Fuck school! Be crime! Do gay!" - Ryomen Sukuna, Episode 2 JJK Abridged (by the Schmuck Squad).
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Reasons To Why I Believe These Characters Should Be Casted listed below the cut:
Richard Grey/The Master (the leader of the Super Mutant Army and the main antagonist of Fallout (1997), seeking to evolve humanity into super mutants with the Forced Evolutionary Virus (FEV), however, is stopped by the Vault Dweller, Elrand Brandt, and his companions via the power of persuasion) -> Mostly the grotesque way his body is morphed and stuff, but you can imagine his mouth opening on Ryder's body like Sukuna does on Itadori's body.
Sulik (a tribal looking to save his sister in Fallout 2, was saved by the Chosen One, Finidy Mona, and joined her as a companion to find the GECK, while she also helps him save his sister from slavers) -> It's mostly his tattoos that got me to choose him as a potential candidate.
Stanislaus Braun (the Overseer of Vault 112 in Fallout 3, Braun is a sadistic old man who regularly tortures his captives in a world of virtual reality, but had known the location and use of the GECK, which lead James Dolen to seek him out (only to be transformed into a dog), but was later outwitted by Alph inside the VR world and Amata from within Vault 112) -> Evil for the sake of being evil? Hates a kid for no reason? Would definitely take over somebody's body if given the chance? Sukuna candidate.
Yes Man (a securitron Benny had tampered with to help him overthrow House, is key to the Independent Vegas ending of Fallout New Vegas. Courier Six, aka Ryder, finds him in Benny's penthouse, and teams up with the securitron to save Benny from Caesar and overthrow House together) -> Listen he's too cheery for his own good. And sarcastic too. Like Abridged Sukuna.
DiMA (the synth co-leader of Acadia in Fallout 4 Far Harbor DLC. He is also the "brother" of Nick Valentine, the person who gets the Sole Survivor, Nate, to admit that he's likely a synth himself and has been involved in the sketchy shit around Far Harbor) -> Though the least potent candidate, what cannot be denied is that DiMA disregards everything about morality when it comes to doing what he thinks is the ways things should be.
The Scorchbeast Queen (the motherfucking progenitor of the Scorched disease and the final boss of Fallout 76 (if players nuke her nest at Fissure Site Prime). The Resident, Vega, only survives her encounter with the Scorchbeast Queen because of the FEV that had partly transformed her) -> She looks as ugly as Sukuna's fingers.
John Henry Eden (the President who runs the Enclave in Fallout 3, has all the personalities of the past presidents copied and downloaded into his A.I. He intended to use the water purifier to release a modified FEV into the water to kill anyone with a trace of radiation in them. He attempted to get Amata onboard with this plan, but since it would technically kill Alph, Amata convinced the president to give her the virus to "use" and tricked Eden into self-destructing and run like hell while Raven Rock fell down around her, towards Alph and his companions who were fighting outside trying to get to her inside) -> Eden and Sukuna are all aboard the murder express.
Dean Domino (one of Ryder's temporary companions in Fallout New Vegas Dead Money DLC. He was friends with Frederick Sinclair and had used Vera Keyes to get him one step closer to the Sierra Madre vault, however America being nuked interrupted this heist and lead him to being ghoulified, and while trying to get into the Sierra Madre, had been forced by Father Elijah to help him get into the resort. Dean eventually betrays Ryder inside the Sierra Madre, having been unable to comprehend someone could be as smart as him, which leads to him getting filled with lead) -> Dean Domino is a selfish bastard, Ryomen Sukuna is a selfish bastard.
Dr Klein (a brain apart of the Think Tank in Fallout New Vegas Old World Blues DLC, he was the director of the Big MT. His speakers are set on a loud volume and he is quite an arrogant punk. Klein and the rest of the Think Tank had vivisected Ryder, taking her heart and spine (and losing her brain to Dr. Mobius) and would only allow her to leave if she dealt with Mobius and gave them the resources to explore the Mojave from the safety of Big MT) -> As loud as Abridged Sukuna is.
Ishmael Ashur (the leader of the Pitt in Fallout 3 The Pitt DLC, though he is the big boss of slavers and raiders, Ashur is trying to humanely find a cure for the Trog which his daughter Marie seems to be immune to. However, the Lone Wanderer, Alph's appearance in the Pitt shakes things up) -> If Ashur just lost his benevolent intentions behind his actions and was doing things for the evils, he could be a lot like Sukuna.
God (the alter who acts as the "conscience" to a nightkin called Dog in Fallout New Vegas Dead Money DLC, he looks out for Dog and wants to kill Father Elijah so badly. Ryder helps both Dog and God make peace with each other and merge them both into a new personality) -> God is the voice in Dog's head, and his voice is quite menacing. Like Sukuna, though Sukuna is more malevolent than God.
Remember, for the alternative option, REBLOG and put in the tags WHO else from the Fallout franchise should be Abridged!Megumi and WHY you think they'd better suit the role. Also if there is a tie, then a repost will be made with only the tied candidates, and you'd have to pick from them.
I've also created and will continue to update (until the polling is done) a Master List for the poll results of the casted winners. You can find it right here.
You can find my Fallout OC profiles Master List right here, which also includes a link to the original post where I pitched my react fic idea. Anyway, hope you enjoyed, chow!
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fallout4-reacts · 2 years ago
Even if I was not really there and about since the last year, I didn't close the asks!!
Thank you for your ongoing encouragements
Stay tuned; I didn't give up the list
No Skip November
A smut for a companion
All the links are SUPPOSED to be back in my Masterlist
Just to inform you, the blue texts are for the reactions already done and the orange are for those I still have to work on (it was asked by a follower then I preferred to make it clear)
Sole who cries in their sleep
Sole's reappearance as Nuka World's Overboss after months
Sole jerryrigging a prosthetic arm (Nick, Danse Pre-BB, Father and DiMA)
Deacon try to make a joke to Curie (incorrect Fallout 4 quotes)
Sole who still sees feral ghouls as human
Sole who hums or gets watery eyes when super comfy
Sole who goes to freakish extents to keep up with their pre-war skincare/hygiene
Sole "adopting" a baby deathclaw and keeping it like a pet
Sole with a low int but max luck
Danse is dense
Sole recruiting Kellogg and/or post!quest Virgil?
Sole getting infected with FEV but not a super-mutant yet (Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4)
Fem/gender neutral Sole, who used to be a spy/special agent pre-war
Sole romancing Kellogg
Sole lost a lot of weight—companions seeing a pre-war photo
Sole jokingly flirts but panics when companion flirt back
Potential dialogue (situation) that’s missing from the game (part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - Bonus)
Companion walking on a nude Sole (non-sexual)
Skinny Malone orders his goons to eliminate Nick
Sole betraying the BoS to save a child synth
Sole is actually an Enclave remnant
Sole finding a former degree/award for some massive achievement
Sole with a really slow reaction time (bonus from a follower)
What did the companions do to stop a Frank Horegon brought back to life
Instant react
Sole getting surprise adopted/kidnapped by a very protective Mama
Sole who has a mutation like a Big Horner's horns from FNV? (Romance/smut warning—Only Cait, Curie, Danse, and Deacon) (Hancock and MacCready because they were finished with no real smut)
My perception of the companions
Ideas about every important NPC (Sturges, Fahrenheit, Tinker Tom, Irma)
Sole having nature powers (part 1 -
A very touchy Sole (crushing companions react)
How companion+ Sturges + Desdemona + Kent would react to SS asking for $#% (But no smut)
Nora is the notorious serial killer, the Boston Butcher
Sosu saying, "A dildo of consequence rarely arrives with lube," to Mayor MacDonough
Random kisses whenever Sole feels a surge of affection
Sole becoming the mayor of Diamond City and...
Sole staring down at a Nuka-Cola, and they ask, "How the fuck did bottle caps become a currency?"
Sole drags the companions (as a group) to an old baseball/basketball court
Companions and Maxson (minus Strong) reacting to a pretty young sole knowing how to survive
Companions react to a sole that has become a conspiracy theorist
Companions react to a super genius SS
Companions reacting to someone reestablishing broadcast on TV
Companions confessing being interrupted (Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5)
Companions react to Sole negotiating an alliance between the Minutemen, the Institute, and the Railroad (Titan ask)
Answer to an ask not done (maybe one day) about a confession going horribly bad between companions and Sosu—Not done
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stardustandash · 2 months ago
3, 5, and 18 for your choice of Rook! (OR for each Rook! If you're up for that!)
3. A letter from Rook to someone in their faction
For Aylin:
Thank you for your thoughtful gift. I know you treasure the venom from your snakes like a dragon treasures its hoard. However, while i appreciate the sentiment about being armed against those around me, I am not planning on poisoning the few people who are actually trying to help me clean up this mess with the elvhen gods. You'll probably call me soft, but there is some truth to the fact that trust goes both ways. And besides, I have Lucanis to watch my back. In answer to your question, no i will not be sending you a dossier on my companions. I'm sure you already have your own information on all of them, and I'll leave it at that.
Listen to Teia, she's smarter than you.
Aylin de Riva
For Darys (full of spelling errors):
Dear Antoine and Evka
I am settling into not Warden life ok. The place we have set up in is called the Lighthouse and belonged to Solas. Which is weird. But he isn't here, so I guess its ours now. It feels strange to not be acting under orders. I keep asking Varric what I should do but he keeps being unhelpful. Do you have any ideas?
Have you made any discoveries with the weird Blight? The song is keeping me up, even in the Fade. I worry sometimes that it is the Calling, but I do not feel drawn to it like the senior Wardens say we should. If you need any help looking into it let me know. I fear what the Wardens might become otherwise. I was not there for Warden Commander Clarel's actions in the south, but I remember the stories. I don't want that to happen to us.
Stay safe out there
Warden Thorne
5. A conversation overheard between Rook and a companion
"So, Lucanis, I know you have coffee from Café Pietra. Where is it?"
"Looking for my secret stash, Rook?"
"Those beans are too good to waste on an improper brew."
"Who says I'll brew it improperly. Come on, I'll make enough for both of us."
"The burned beans I saw in the kitchen bin weren't from you then?"
"Okay, yes, but I'm not going to do that a second time."
"Sorry, Rook. My coffee stays hidden. Though I can make you some, if you'd like."
"Thanks, Lucanis."
"So, Neve, I saw you feeding your leftovers to Assan the other day."
"Did you?"
"I did. Does Davrin know you're giving him extra treats?"
"I'm not feeding him. And if I was, I wouldn't tell Davrin."
"Just like you didn't give Manfred that shiny necklace he's started wearing around?"
"He kept coming in here to stare at it. That was to get him out of my hair."
"Sure. And you call me sappy..."
18. Notes between a companion and Rook regarding a personal quest
Just wanted to make sure you were okay after last night. I'm proud of you for telling your mother how you feel about yourself, but I know it can be hard to deal with the fallout. Let me know if you need anything. -Rook
It's fine. It feels good to not hide that I'm non-binary. Not that I was hiding it. Shathann was never going to react well. She's stubborn. But thank you for being there. It helped. Maybe you can tell me more about being non-binary sometime. Every time I try and talk to Maevaris about it I just get more confused. -Taash
Of course we can talk about it. I don't promise to be any less confusing though. It's hard work, figuring out who you are. You're braver than me, coming out to your mother after such a short time. It took me years to work up the courage. Speaking of, your mother said something about a qunari gender identity? I'd like to hear more about that, if it's alright? -Rook
Aqun-Athlok. Yeah, I can tell you about it if you're interested. Meet me at the The Hilt tomorrow. -Taash
I'm not sure if I should be giving you sympathy or congratulations on our discovery yesterday. It should have been a good day to discover Cirian alive. I do not know what it is like to be a sibling, but I can listen, if you need to talk. -Darys
Oh, that's so thoughtful of you. It is hard. Coming to terms with everything that is. I think I just need to sort my thoughts out a bit before I can land on where I feel. Or not think about it at all. I'm still trying to collect the right information from the Nadas Dirthalen. And since it was made by Anaris, maybe I can find more information about him, and what he might want with Cirian. Okay, I'm going to go do that. -Bellara
If you'd rather talk to a person than that snarky spirit, you know where to find me. For what it's worth, I'm sorry Bellara. -Darys
thank you for the ask! This was a very fun character exercise!!
If anyone would like to ask me some Rook Codex prompts, Here is the ask game!!
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fallrimxreader · 2 years ago
Can you do the fallout 4 companions reacting to final pam? (monster factory)?
In all of her pamness?
I had no idea what the Final Pam was. But now I have seen all 3 episodes. It was an interesting experience.
Cait: Once while drunk she made a joke that she could beat Pam in a fight. The next day she heard about how Pam made someone simply disappear from existence. Cait now holds her tongue and hopes that Pam didn’t hear her. People try to bring up Cait’s previous comment and Cait will beat them up saying she never said such a thing.
Curie: She is very intrigued as to how Pam became so powerful. She wishes Pam would use her powers for better and more useful things. Cait feels like Pam could do some good in the world if someone persuaded her. However deep in her gut Curie knows Pam would not do anything but help herself and her own cause.
Codsworth: Metal husband will always love his powerful wife. He’ll follow her and do as she says, and he’ll kill everyone for her.
Dogmeat: As long as Pam is kind to Dogmeat he doesn’t mind her. He will follow her as long as she takes good care of him.
Deacon: Once Pam became more well known and famous around the commonwealth Deacon disappeared. He became a myth; people say they see him sometimes but there has never been any proof the sighting was actually Deacon. Rumors vary from Pam made him disappear to he ran away, to he changed his face to look like a ghoul and now he lives running with the feral to try and hide from Pam. But no one will ever know what truly happened.
Danse: He once thought she could be a useful ally. But after seeing her actions and all the mayhem she creates Danse and the brotherhood decided she is an enemy to the commonwealth and should be destroyed before she ends the world. He hasn’t been sent to take her down yet but he will if he does get ordered to. He won’t admit it to anyone but he’s intimidated by her and hopes he won’t get sent to take her on.
Hancock: He’s not one to judge appearances, being a ghoul, he has no place to judge. And he’s killed people too. What he can’t get past is how deranged and power hungry she is. Being Mayor, he knows he can’t abuse his power. The abilities Pam has disturbed him, he doesn’t think anyone should have that type of Power. He'd love to ban her from Goodneighbor but knows if he did she would probably just destroy the town, so he just tries his best to steer clear of her.
MacCready: He is terrified of her. Rumors of Pam very quickly spread around the commonwealth and he hoped that they were not true. After finally meeting Pam, he just runs. He doesn’t want anything to do with her or the death and destruction that she brings.
Piper: She thinks if she can get an interview with Pam, it will be the best-selling paper she ever has. But at the same time, she doesn’t want the interview, she’s cautious and worried that it might go wrong and Pam could potentially take her anger out on Piper. So, Piper thinks she will just stay away and hope she can live a normal Pam free life.
Preston: He is also trying to stay as far away from her as possible. He buries himself in work and trying to help settlements, hoping that if he’s out of her way he’ll be safe. He doesn’t want to be turned smaller or larger, or smashed into a million pieces so he just hopes if he stays away, she won’t come find him.
Valentine: He thought he could be nice to Pam and she would be nice in return. Unfortunately, he had a not so nice interaction, and she caused him to disappear. Valentine floats around in the great beyond wondering where he went wrong, and how things will ever get done now that he’s not around to fix it.
Strong: He thinks she is a great fighter and likes that she is terrifying and dangerous. He likes the power she has. He thinks it is quite entertaining how terrified people are of her. Though he will be extremely careful not to anger her. He doesn’t want to be the one she turns on when she feels like causing destruction.
X6-88: Like the brotherhood the institute thinks that Pam is far too dangerous for the commonwealth. She is a menace to everyone and has hurt many of the institute members and synths. X6 has been sent to end Pam and rid the world of her. He agrees that she is far too dangerous and will be happy to take her out. He goes full on, using every trick in the book and every weapon he knows to go and take her out. Unfortunately, after he goes after her, he and all traces of him disappear from the world.
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imagine-silk · 1 year ago
F4 Spoiler
I was just playing fallout 4 for the first time and I cried. I sobbed. I balled. When I found out that my son was (basically) THE FRIGGIN BAD GUY AND ID PROBABLY HAVE TO KILL HIM AFTER I WAS SO DETERMINED TO BRING MY KID HOME. I WAS LIKE I NEED A HUG ASAP FROM SOME OF THE COMPANIONS RN CAUSE DAMN THAT WAS BRUTAL 😭
I actually have a thing for that. And yes, get ready to ready to open that wound again and cry (T▽T)
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miyamorana · 1 year ago
Miya’s 2023 Fanfic Recs Part 3
Here are all the cool, complete fics I’ve read this year. Separated into 5 posts because there’s nearly a hundred of them.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2)
Julie and the Phantoms (1)
Merlin (5)
Sense8 (2)
Stranger Things (4)
Teen Wolf (2)
Part 1: Boku no Hero Academia (33) Part 2: Other Anime and Cartoons (20) Part 4: Video Games, Movies and Books (16) Part 5: Crossovers (11)
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Title: Seeing Is His Superpower Author: Shadowscast Pairing: Xander Harris/Spike Rating: Teen Word Count: 8,185 Summary: A post-Chosen AU in which Xander finds Spike’s amulet in the wreckage of Sunnydale. When he picks it up, something interesting happens…
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Title: Witch boy Author: applecrumbledore Pairing: Rupert Giles/Spike Rating: Mature Word Count: 12,730 Summary: Spike was an embarrassing memory tucked into the recesses of Giles’ brain along with other rare, sweet moments from his Ripper Era that he couldn’t leave behind, and instead pulled out of mental storage once in a while, dusted them off and luxuriated guiltily in the hedonistic days of his youth. Spike was a memory he hadn’t pulled out in so long that he’d forgotten it was him.
Fandom: Julie and the Phantoms Title: Ghost Story Author: breakaway71 Pairing: None Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 1603 Summary: Julie visits her mother’s grave on Halloween, and meets someone unexpected.
Fandom: Merlin Title: Theory / Practice Author: queerofthedagger Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Rating: Teen Word Count: 1,000 Summary: He had known in the same way that he had looked at Merlin on that first day in the market square, his clever mouth and dusk-sky eyes, and somehow knew him.Familiarity. His magic feels like that, too.
Fandom: Merlin Title: Oh Noble Hearts Author: queerofthedagger Pairing: Gwaine/Arthur Pendragon Rating: Teen Word Count: 1,700 Summary: The thing is, Gwaine may be a bit of a bastard, but he knows that it’s bad form to go around kissing people—especially people who mean something—when they are missing some rather crucial bits of information about you. Gwaine has a confession; Arthur, as so often, manages to surprise him.
Fandom: Merlin Title: Splitting the Road Author: queerofthedagger Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Word Count: 3,000 Summary:
“Emrys,” the woman says, impatient, and Merlin, well. Merlin reacts. Arthur wants to pretend so, so badly that there isn’t a pit opening in his stomach but— But. Merlin reacts, eyes snapping towards her, narrowing. Above Merlin’s head, the cold iron groans, a sound the way that Arthur’s heart feels.
Merlin and Arthur get kidnapped. Unfortunately for their captors, it really is a tremendously stupid idea to put magic itself into cold iron.
Fandom: Merlin Title: Detect Magic  Author: Jabber_Moose Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 979 Summary: There’s a strange, shimmering blue orb above them, and the dark haired man’s eyes are glowing gold.
"Police say they arrived at the scene to find one of the muggers knocked out, the other dead on the scene,” Percy says. “The victim was being held by his companion, who was said to tell anyone who approached ‘You can cut me, bruise me, skin me alive, but you will not take him from me.’”
Fandom: Merlin Title: Long Enough (Forget Me Not) Author:Jabber_Moose Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 1,595 Summary: Maybe the fates are telling him that it’s time to let go, that Arthur is not going to return to him. Maybe it is time to stop, for his own sake, before he has to deal with the fallout of forgetting.
Fandom: Sense8 Title: Worth It Author: FunkyinFishnet Pairing: Wolfgang Bogdanow/Kala Dandekar/Rajan Rasal Rating: Mature Word Count: 6,386 Summary: She visits Wolfgang, on his way back to the Paris apartment and concerned about Kala’s mood as she asks, “Have you heard from Rajan?” Wolfgang’s concern sharpens, “Nothing since the day before yesterday. He hasn’t called yet?” (The cluster mobilises to solve Rajan’s kidnapping, and Kala and Wolfgang think about him and their love.)
Fandom: Sense8 Title: I’ll settle for the ghosts of you Author: FunkyinFishnet Pairing: Wolfgang Bogdanow/Kala Dandekar/Rajan Rasal Rating: Mature Word Count: 8,894 Summary: When Rajan witnesses Wolfgang and Kala embrace, Wolfgang lifting her up off her feet while smiling more broadly than Rajan has seen so fat in the few hours that he has known the man and with Kala’s happiness seeming to make her face sparkle, he thinks, “Oh, I *see*.”
Rajan thinks Kala really doesn’t love him in the same way that he loves her, and there’s no way that Wolfgang can love him at all.
Fandom: Stranger Things Title: Deathbed Endearments Author: breakaway71 Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Rating: Teen Word Count: 2,074 Summary: Eddie and Steve have a heart-to-heart while trying to keep Steve from bleeding out all over the ground. Actually, Steve thinks it’s one of their better chats. He just hopes he lives long enough to remember it later.
Fandom: Stranger Things Title: More than They Make You Out to Be Author: breakaway71 Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Rating: Teen Word Count: 2,451 Summary: Eddie was never guilty of the things they accused him of, but that hasn’t stopped Hawkins from treating him like he was. Steve needs to make it better.
Fandom: Stranger Things Title: Color Correction Author: entanglednow Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Rating: Teen Word Count: 3,186 Summary: Steve can always be relied upon to help a friend out, and it makes a nice change to be the one with the answers.
Fandom: Stranger Things Title:  Never Look Back (A Breath Away from Heaven) Author:breakaway71 Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Rating: Mature Word Count: 5,000 Summary: Eddie summons a traumatized demon to his bedroom. It was an accident, but it might also turn out to be the best thing he’s ever done.
Fandom: Teen Wolf Title: Next Thursday Author: wldnst Pairing: Danny Māhealani/Stiles Stilinski Rating: Teen Word Count: 18,210 Summary: In which Stiles Stilinski has a werewolf for a best friend, a support group for that, hot chocolate with Lydia Martin and Danny Mahealani every Thursday evening, and an extremely anticlimactic coming out experience.
Fandom: Teen Wolf Title: A Grimm Affair Author:oshjoshmgosh Pairing: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Word Count: 2023 Summary: Derek brings Stiles to an alpha convention for established packs. Or rather, Stiles brings himself along as Derek’s mate, in spite of the fact he will be one of the only humans present. It should be full of sane alphas, so what could go wrong? So what if he has to remind some overreaching wolves that Disney’s fairy tales were originally a lot darker, and that no one messes with Little Red Riding Hood.
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amazinglyegg · 9 months ago
Fallout 4 companions as which Don't Starve Together character they'd main:
Cait: Wolfgang, and eats all the food so she can stay permanently mighty. I would say Wigfrid but she's too much of a team player, Cait's gonna run off and die unprepared and then whine if she doesn't get revived immediately
Curie: Webber. Cute little spider boy who can befriend spiders and make them friends with the team!! What's not to love?? Also enjoys being helpful to the team by getting a ton of silk and eating all the extra monster meat.
Codsworth: Warly 100%. He takes the work the others are too lazy to do and stays at camp the entire time. Probably has an list of every single crockpot recipe beside him while he plays.
Danse: Wilson. He doesn't get the point of picking a character with disadvantages and thinks having to jump through hoops to manage character-specific issues is ridiculous. He'll never play as anyone other than Wilson.
Deacon: Wes would be too obvious so I'm going with Winona. Doesn't go to base ever, people don't even know he exists, but whenever the team goes to fight a boss he already has a complex cheese setup with catapults and meatbulbs or something. Minmaxes everything.
Gage: Willow. Burns down the chests when his sanity gets low and gets banned immediately.
Hancock: Probably Wortox??? He wants to be a little freak of some sort, that's for sure. Completely abuses his teleports out of laziness and never actually uses his souls responsibly.
Longfellow: Chooses Wickerbottom, dies to Charlie on the first night, then turns off DST and plays Shipwrecked instead. Picks Woodlegs. Still dies on the first night.
Maccready: If not Wolfgang, he probably hears X6 talk about meta strategies and plays as Wanda! Finds it very entertaining that an old lady is one of the strongest characters, and not having a health meter makes him feel much stronger than he really is.
Nick Valentine: Picks Woodie randomly at the character select screen without reading his description, gets pretty attached to Lucy and the easy wood supply. You can imagine his shock on the first full moon.
Piper: Refuses to pick a main for the longest time and goes down the entire list every time she dies, until she reaches Walter. She just CANNOT part with Woby, no matter how much she sucks at playing as him.
Preston: Wendy! He needs Abigail to help him with fights, I doubt he's very good at games. Definitely says he's going on a quick supply run then gets sidetracked by helping pipspooks. He can't just IGNORE them!!
X6-88: W8-78 would be the expected one (same naming scheme!) but I doubt X6 would enjoy having to run around and scan rabbits with Jimmy. He'd probably pick some minmaxer like Wanda or Wolfgang and ruins rush day 1 or whatever. He totally follows an online guide and ragequits when he realizes picking a "meta" character =/= automatic win.
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fallout-friends-react · 2 years ago
What would Gob be like as a companion?
Lone's friendship and trust definitely means the world to him so he'd fight to the death on their behalf. Would probably yell something kind of lame like, "LEAVE MY FRIEND ALONE!" when running into battle. Fights with more ferocity than you'd expect, he's got a lot of pent up stuff to get out.
Way too shy to start a conversation with Lone so he wouldn't say much for idle chat. Lone would have to talk to him first, before he'd really say anything. He definitely wouldn't question their choices. If he had any judgments, he'd keep it to himself. Even if asked, he'd agree with anything they'd say, force of habit.
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grumpymirelurkqueen · 1 year ago
Another request for fo3. How do companions show jealousy of LW, even if they say/pretend that they are not jealous?
Hi ! I hope I understood your request correctly and didn't misinterpret it as something stupid…
I removed Sergeant RL-3, Paladin Cross and Jericho because I didn't know how to make them into a certain jealousy dynamic. I never played with them.
(sorry it took me longer, I hope you like it).
How do the fo3 companions show their jealousy of LW, and then claim that they are not :
Butch :
I like to think Butch was always jealous of you. You have a good father, even if he left you in the lurch. But you had a father who loved you, compared to him who had a mother who was physically there, but not quite with him. So yes, Butch is more envious than jealous.
When Butch started travelling with you, his envy turned to jealousy. You seemed so smart, so good at fighting and everyone talked about you. When he was in the dugout, he loved to brag about being the best shot in his group. When the supervisor asked them to get rid of the bugs. (to run away, because he was scared).
He pretended not to be. But one day you argue, as usual. A dynamic you never forget.
“ So you can't understand. You've always had what I've always dreamed of having, and yet you complain so much! ”
“ Wait… are you jealous of me ? ”
“ Yes !... No... ”
Fawkes :
Fawkes was the happiest mutant man when he met you. You shared a love of literature, poetry and science. At first he admired you for all the knowledge your father had given you. But once he felt his heart pinch. He didn't know why, but deep down he was sad to feel that way again.
Once you discussed your shared knowledge. That same twinge came back, but you were looking at him. The sad look on his disfigured face brought back memories of your shelter.
“ Fawkes all right? ”
“ What's ? Yes, yes, I'm fine. I…. I'm happy to share my research with you. It just brings back bad memories.. ”
Which is not exactly a lie…
Clover :
You're a bit of a charm for the raiders. To displease you and to displease poor Clover. She's jealous of your beauty and the lights the Raiders put on you.
She'll admit straight away that she's jealous of you. So to appease her and to take advantage of it, you tell her the truth. That you hate being at the centre of raiders.
Now clover is a trap for herself. A beautiful slave crying in the middle of a supply route. So she can plunder the local merchants.
(Poor Quinn, you have no shame in attacking this ghoul ?)
Charon :
In all his ghoulish life, he never thought he'd be jealous of a teenager who was barely a young adult. But your talent for discretion has made him more jealous. His large body doesn't allow him to be discreet; a wall of sand can barely hide him.
For some days now, Charon has been looking at you in a different way. Knowing that he speaks with his eyes, but not yet knowing how to decode them. You ask him to, so you get a simple "nothing".
Dogmeat :
That dog can't be jealous of you, can he? Oh, you took the bone he wanted. Now he's lying on the floor watching you strut around with that bone. He's drooling over that bone, don't you see? You look at him once, twice and the third time you shake the bone at him. Just a waggle of his head and tail in response. Oh, how sweet of you to give it to him.
Thanks for reading !
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